Job Hunting in Japan: What to do in your 2nd Year of University
If you feel you are not sure what and how to start preparing for job-hunting, this article is here for solving your problem. It is not too early to start preparing for job-hunting. Let’s see how you can start your shukatsu!
Click here for Job Hunting in Japan: Timeline for First Years
Click here for Job Hunting in Japan: Timeline for Third Years
Click here for Job Hunting in Japan: Timeline for Fourth Years Part 1
Click here for Job Hunting in Japan: Timeline for Fourth Years Part 2
It is never too early to start preparing for job-hunting
Many students do not know when to start preparing for job-hunting and what to prioritize. The time to start preparing for job-hunting varies from person to person, however, most students start from their third year in university. On the other hand, some of them start preparing from their second year. When it comes to second-year students, it may be a time when you feel that graduation and job-hunting are still ahead of you. However, recently, major adjustments have been made to the timing of job-hunting for students. Therefore, it is never too early to start preparing for job-hunting from second grade.
Three things to prepare during the second year
We would like to share THREE things that the second-year students should start preparing to make their job-hunting experience successful.
1. Self-Analysis (自己分析)
Self-Analysis in job-hunting is to find out ‘strengths’ in job-hunting by grasping and analyzing one’s characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and values. By having an objective perspective based on the analysis results, you can make concrete and original statements that are not abstract expressions such as self-promotion of interviews and aspirations.
Self-analysis takes longer periods of time than students expected. Therefore, it is recommended that students should prepare for self-analysis from the second year.
If you are not sure how to start self-analysis, please check this article to learn more about it.
JPort also hosts events or career consultations to support your self-analysis, so please check here to learn more about details!
2. Company・Industry research (企業研究・業界研究)
Company・industry research is to deepen your understanding of a company and industry in order to meet a company and industry that suits your needs and determine whether or not it matches. This is a very important task in job-hunting, and these FOUR things are a must check.
- Corporate philosophy/values (企業理念)
- Business contents (事業内容)
- Benefits and Corporate Systems (福利厚生と制度)
- Employment information (採用情報)
If you want to learn more about this process, there is an article for Company Research, and one for Industry Research.
Some students have already decided what types of jobs or industries they are interested in, however, there are many companies and industries that you are not familiar with but very interesting and attractive.
If you visit companies’ websites that you are interested in, use JPort services such as 'Ask Senpais' and an article about OB/OG訪問, you are able to discover valuable information about companies and industries!
3. Internship research
Japanese companies offer various types of internships from short-term such as 2 days to long one like 2 years. An internship allows students to explore and discover new facts about a company and industry. Entry sheets (ES), self-analysis, and interviews are required processes for internship application which means applying for internships is a great opportunity for practice and preparation for the job-hunting application process.
Therefore, during the second year, we recommend looking up internship opportunities through visiting companies' websites, which you are interested in, and under a career section, you are able to find details including application materials and deadline. Also, job-hunting platforms as such we introduced within this article also provide valuable information about internships.

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