Senpai Tips

I'm Jinyu Huang

HR and Marketing



The University of Texas at Austin


Japanese, English, Chinese

I'm Jinyu Huang

HR and Marketing



The University of Texas at Austin


Japanese, English, Chinese


Discover more about this company including job opportunities and company information on JPort Match!


Discover more about this company including job opportunities and company information on JPort Match!

About Jinyu Huang

Hello, I’m Jinyu from China! I attended an international high school in China where classes were always conducted in English. My friends were studying to go to the U.S., Canada, or the U.K., and I also went on to attend the University of Texas in the U.S.

I started studying Japanese during my first year of university. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I could no longer stay in the U.S., so I spent time in China. It was during this time that I suddenly thought, "Maybe I should try studying Japanese." I had been interested in Japanese culture since elementary school and always wanted to study the language someday. From then on, I continued learning Japanese on my own, and starting in my senior year, I participated in Japanese classes held at my university.

The turning point in deciding to work in Japan came during my senior year, when my Japanese professor sent me an email saying, "There’s an online event called the Japan Career Forum, where Japanese companies present to students attending universities abroad." Until then, living in Japan seemed like a distant dream, but after participating in the event, I felt, "Maybe I can find a job in Japan, too."

That’s when I began job hunting in Japan and registered with JPort Match. Through JPort Match, I encountered Suntech, completed all of the selection processes, including online interviews, and joined the company in April 2024. I am currently involved in HR and marketing tasks.

What did you do during college?

During university, I majored in Advertising and spent four years focusing on advertising. I devoted a lot of effort to my studies and was able to consistently maintain good grades.

I also focused on internships during my time as a student. I completed two internships, one of which was at McCann Worldgroup Holdings, an advertising company in the U.S. I worked there as an intern for about two months, gaining experience in marketing and advertising.

What career advice would you recommend for job hunters?

First of all, if you want to work in Japan, it’s important to have a clear image of what it’s like to work at a Japanese company. For example, try asking your university professors or attending events like the Japan Career Forum, and gather information about Japanese companies. I was the same way, but I think most international students don’t know much about Japanese companies. The way resumes are written and how the job-hunting process is conducted are completely different between Japan and the U.S.  I recommend starting by checking out the video courses on job hunting available on JPort Journal and studying from there.

Japanese language skills are also crucial. In Japan, if you can’t speak Japanese, it will be very tough for you to work and live in Japan. So, I believe it’s really important to study the language seriously.

Lastly, when choosing a company, I think it’s extremely important to determine whether it aligns with your vision. Not only is it important to understand your personality and vision, but also, through interviews and other interactions, see if the company is truly a good fit for you. It’s better to work for a company that suits you.

What are the beneficial skills needed for working in Japan?

What does a HR and Marketing Do?

I’m currently working in HR and marketing. In HR, I create job listings, handle scouting, and participate in the selection process. HR work is closely connected to marketing, which makes it interesting. I proceed with my tasks while thinking about what kind of people we want and how the company is perceived by applicants.

As for my marketing duties, I write HR blogs and company news to be posted on our website. Recently, we also started managing our Instagram account. It’s only been three months since I joined, but I’ve been able to do the kind of work I envisioned before starting.

Going forward, I want to improve my Japanese skills while deepening my understanding of the business SUNTECH is expanding into. As I’m responsible for scouting and the selection process, I believe it’s important for me to have a deep understanding of the company’s direction and business. I want to learn more about the projects we’re working on and how the employees are doing their jobs.

I also want to focus more on managing our social media. I’d like to post videos of employees on Instagram Stories and create a workplace where everyone can enjoy working.

Work Environment SUNTECH


I first learned about Suntech during my senior year of university when I attended the Japan Career Forum. After that, I received materials from Suntech’s HR representative, and among them was a link to JPortMatch, which is how our online communication began.

I was in contact with various other companies as well, but Suntech stood out because their response time was especially fast, and the interview dates were quickly set. I remember thinking what a wonderful company it was during the interview because the hiring staff were so kind and friendly.

The decisive moment for me to join Suntech was the second interview with President Aoki. I was really impressed by his vision, which was global and very appealing. When we discussed the post-hiring duties, he suggested tasks that would allow me to apply the advertising and marketing knowledge I had gained in school. I wanted to connect what I had studied to my work, so I was happy to know that even as a new graduate, I could take on such responsibilities.

SUNTECH’s Working Environment

It's a global company. Life in Kagawa is truly "Japan" but when I go to work, I often have the chance to talk with interns from Africa, and it almost feels like I'm still in the U.S. It's a great environment where both Japanese and English are spoken.

Good Fit for SUNTECH

I think it’s a great fit for people who enjoy a global environment and atmosphere. It’s also ideal for those who can stay positive and for people who embrace change.

Recommended Job-hunting Resource

JPort Journal’s Job Hunting Video Courses ・ Job Searching via JPort Match ・ Japan Career Forum